2015-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS 2015 Volume 4: Meech Intl. Symp. / Mining Operations

Editors:Kongoli F, Veiga MM, Anderson C
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2015
Pages:275 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Construction of Models as a Tool for Educational Practices for the Treatment of Ores

    Francisco Souza1; Antonio Sobrinho2; Paulo Sales3; Nathane Souza4;
    1IFPB, Campina Grande, Brazil; 2ESCOLA ESTADUAL PADRE JERONIMO, Santa Luzia, Brazil; 3IFPB, Picui, Brazil; 4UFRN, Natal, Brazil;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 239
    Topic: 4


    Normally, a mineral asset cannot be used as it is extracted from nature on their deposits. Therefore, they need to be subjected to some type of processing, aiming their industrial exploitation. The expansion of the needs description makes relevant the science that works with processing, one of them called treatment of ores. The treatment consists of operations applied to mineral assets aimed to modifying the particle size, the relative concentration of the types of minerals present or shape, without, however, modifying the physical or chemical identity of the minerals. As a technique of the subject, students of the technical course in Mining from 'Escola Estadual Padre Jeronimo Lauwen' in the city of Santa Luzia, Paraiba, undertook a work of building rustic ore processing unit models that represented companies and simulated the operation of industrial plants. The methodology allowed the students to understand an ore processing unit operation. The educational practice used allowed the students to better comprehend not only the operation and the equipment used in a processing unit, but also the technical importance of each element. The relationship between the creative team was also improved on the basis of the common goal. <br />KEYWORDS: Model; Treatment of ores; Education




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    Souza F, Sobrinho A, Sales P, Souza N. Construction of Models as a Tool for Educational Practices for the Treatment of Ores. In: Kongoli F, Veiga MM, Anderson C, editors. Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS 2015 Volume 4: Meech Intl. Symp. / Mining Operations. Volume 4. Montreal(Canada): FLOGEN Star Outreach. 2015. p. .