2017-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS 2017 Volume 8: Surfaces and Interfaces(SISAM), Composite, Ceramic and Nanomaterials

Editors:Kongoli F, Braems I, Demange V, Dubois JM, Pech-Canul M, Patino CL, Fumio O
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2017
Pages:249 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Advances in the Field of CERAMIC-MATRIX Composites: A Review

    Martin Pech-Canul1; Jose C. Flores-Garcia1; Socorro Valdez2; Héctor Hernández García3; Maximo Pech-Canul4; Jorge Lopez-Cuevas1; Juan Carlos Rendon-Angeles5;
    1CINVESTAV-SALTILLO, Ramos Arizpe, Mexico; 2INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS FISICAS-UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico; 3COMIMSA, Saltillo, Mexico; 4CINVESTAV MERIDA, Merida, Mexico; 5CINVESTAV SALTILLO, Ramos Arizpe, Mexico;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 55
    Topic: 18


    Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are materials with structural and functional attributes. The types of ceramic-matrix composites include, amongst the most important: Al2O3-ZrO2 composites, SiC particulate/Si3N4 matrix composites, SiC whisker /Al2O3 matrix composites, SiC whisker/Si3N4 matrix composites, continuous fiber/glass matrix composites, carbon/carbon composites, SiC/SiC composites and oxide/oxide composites. Albeit the design philosophy was initially oriented towards toughening CMCs, considering structural applications, nowadays, and owing to the growing demand for modern engineering applications, researchers are paying attention to the functional features. Current research and development of composite materials has paid special attention to the design and fabrication of CMCs having phases at the nanometer scale. Recent scientific and technological publications on the subject include Li3V2(PO4)3/C composite cathode for Li ion battery and Ni-SiO2 nanocomposite for MISFET gate dielectric. Based on the current literature, in this contribution, authors present a review on the state-of-the-art in the development, processing, characterization and applications of ceramic-matrix composites.


    Ceramic; Composites; Materials; Nanocomposites; Processing;

    Cite this article as:

    Pech-Canul M, Flores-Garcia J, Valdez S, Hernández García H, Pech-Canul M, Lopez-Cuevas J, Rendon-Angeles J. (2017). Advances in the Field of CERAMIC-MATRIX Composites: A Review. In Kongoli F, Braems I, Demange V, Dubois JM, Pech-Canul M, Patino CL, Fumio O (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS 2017 Volume 8: Surfaces and Interfaces(SISAM), Composite, Ceramic and Nanomaterials (pp. 161-162). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach