This major symposium is in honor of the distinguished work and lifetime achievements of Prof.
Ruggero Santilli. Professor Santilli is a well-known figure for his deeply impact in mathematics and its application in physics, chemistry and engineering.
Dr. Ruggero Santilli was born and educated in Italy where he achieved his Ph.D., the highest possible education in mathematics and physics, as well as a chair in nuclear physics at the Avogadro Institute in Turin. In 1967 Dr. Santilli was invited by the University of Miami in Florida to conduct research for NASA and he moved with his family to the U.S.A. where he subsequently became a U.S. citizen. In 1968 he joined the faculty of Boston University, under partial support from the U.S. Air Force, where he taught physics and mathematics from prep courses to seminar post-Ph.D. courses. From 1974 to 1977 he was a visiting scientist at MIT and from 1978 to 1983 he was a member of the Department of Mathematics of Harvard University under support by the U. S. Department of Energy to study a generalization of quantum mechanics and chemistry needed for new clean energies and fuels. Since 1984 Dr. Santilli is the President of and Professor of Physics at the Institute for Basic Research, originally located in a Victorian House located within the compound of Harvard University and moved to Florida in 1990. Dr. Santilli is the author of some 250 technical articles and 18 post Ph.D. level monographs in mathematics, physics, cosmology, superconductivity, chemistry and biology published the world over. He is the founding editor of three journals in mathematics and physics and editor of several others. Dr. Santilli is known in mathematics for the discovery of a series of new numbers, now called "Santilli iso-, geno-, hyper- and "isodual-numbers" and other discoveries; he is known in physics as the originator of "hadronic mechanics", the only known consistent broadening of quantum mechanics predicting new clean energies; and he is known in chemistry as the originator of "hadronic chemistry", a broadening of quantum chemistry developed for the study of new clean fuels. Dr. Santilli is the recipient of numerous prestigious prizes (which can be seen in the web site ) for being among the most illustrious applied mathematicians of all times; he received two gold medals for scientific merits; and the listing as "Santilli Hall" of a class-room at an Australian research center. Since the 80s, Dr. Santilli has been recommended by scholars around the world to the nominations for the Nobel Prize in physics as well as in chemistry. In addition to his intense scientific activity, including the yearly organization of various meetings in new mathematics, physics and chemistry. From 2007 to 2013, Dr. Santilli has been the Head Scientist of Magnegas Corporation (a U. S. company with stock traded at NASDAQ under the symbol MNGA) that has developed a new gaseous fuels with complete combustion internationally sold under the name of "magnegas." Currently, Dr. Santilli is the Chairman of the Board and Head Scientist o the new publicly traded company, Thunder Energies Corporation, which is bringing to the industrial level Dr. Santilli's decades of novel mathematical, physical and chemical advances for the achievement of clean coal combustion via new HyperFurnaces (trademark and patent pending by Thunder Energies Corporation). For corporate information, please visit the website; for recent publications, please visit the scientific archives; and for details on Dr. Santilli's CV, please view the DVD
Contributed articles will be doubled peer-reviewed and will be published in Conference Official Proceedings having an ISBN and an ISSN number and available through many indexes such as Scopus, EI index, Google Scholar, CiteSeerX etc. Selected contributed articles will also be published in reputable Journals.
You are kindly invited to actively participate, and we are looking forward to meet you in the magnificent Marriott Yalong Beach, in Hainan Island, one of the most beautiful beaches in the Asia.
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List of Accepted Abstracts as of 13/1/2025
Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies Inc.
USA/Canada |
George Gaines
Thunder Energies Corporation
Svetlin Georgiev
Sorbonne University
France |
Anil Bhalekar
R. T. M. Nagpur University
India |