2018-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2018 Volume 4. Mamalis Intl. Symp. / Advanced Manufacturing

Editors:F. Kongoli, A. G. Mamalis, K. Hokamoto
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2018
Pages:352 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    The Correlation Between the Mineralogical Composition and the Surface Properties of Inorganic Natural Materials

    Yuliya Danchenko1;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 225
    Topic: 48


    Inorganic natural materials (INM) play an important role in most manufacturing and industrial fields. One of the most widespread approaches of INM usage is as the filling of polymeric structural materials (PSM) for building and city infrastructure. The INM usage as filling is determined by its environmental friendliness, affordability, and cheapness. Thanks to such filling, there is the possibility to get PSM of various technical and technological functions, such as: trickling and gluing compositions, thick-film and mastic coverings, poured and injection materials, compositions for product forming, as well as materials for restoration and remedial works. The usage of INM allows the creation of PSM according to special service characteristics: resistant to biologically and chemically aggressive environments, or conversely, able to biologically ruin fire-proofing, atmosphere-proofing, heat-proofing, and resistance to several kinds of radiation with improved adhesion resistance and other characteristics [1].
    The structure, technology, and service characteristics of PSM depend on the interface line interactions of the phases' polymer fillers. The intensity and the manner of interphase interactions are determined by the polymer nature and INM surface properties, which are added in a dispersed form.
    INM surface properties are characterized by the chemical nature of the surface active centers and free surface energy. Brønsted and Lewis surface active centers with particular value of acid basic power pKa are developed as the result of water molecule adsorption (desorption) [2]. Free surface energy is determined by uncompensated surface energy on the interface line of the phases "solid-body-gas" and depends on INM mineralogical nature [3]. Thus, it is evident that the mineralogical composition, pKa of active centers and the value of INM free surface energy correlate with each other. There have not been any research that confirms this hypothesis.
    Three INM mineralogical groups have been chosen for the research. They are clayey, quartz, and oxide. The mineralogical composition was determined by the X-ray phase analysis. The acid basic values of the surface were researched with the help of theoretical quantum-chemical modeling and the experimental potentiometric and the colorimetric methods [4, 5]. The value of free surface energy was estimated by computing way with the usage [3].
    Consequently, the correlational relations between mineralogical composition, surface acid basic, and INM energy characteristics have been found out during the complex research. It has been demonstrated, that in the limits of quartz, clayey, and acid INM mineralogical groups, these relations exist with the correlation coefficient of 0,62 - 0,93.


    Ceramics; Composites; Multifunctional materials; Polymers; Surface engineering/Wear, Non-conventional techniques;


    [1] G. Pohl, Woodhead Publishing, (2010) 512.
    [2] Yu. Tarasevich, Kyiv, Naukova dumka, (2011) 390.
    [3] C. M. Miller, Submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies of Texas A&M University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (2010) 218.
    [4] Yu. Danchenko, V. Andronov, E. Rybka, S. Skliarov, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4, 12(88) (2017) 17-25.
    [5] Yu. Danchenko, V. Andronov, E. Barabash, T. Obigenko, E. Rybka, R. Meleshenko, A. Romin, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6, 12(90) (2017) 4-12.

    Cite this article as:

    Danchenko Y. (2018). The Correlation Between the Mineralogical Composition and the Surface Properties of Inorganic Natural Materials. In F. Kongoli, A. G. Mamalis, K. Hokamoto (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2018 Volume 4. Mamalis Intl. Symp. / Advanced Manufacturing (pp. 343-344). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach