2019-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2019 Volume 1: Angell Intl. Symp. / Molten Salt, Ionic & Glass-forming Liquids: Processing and Sustainability

Editors:F. Kongoli, M. Gaune-Escard, J. Dupont, R. Fehrmann, A. Loidl, D. MacFarlane, R. Richert, M. Watanabe, L. Wondraczek, M. Yoshizawa-Fujita, Y. Yue
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2019
Pages:177 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    The Similarity Method, Critical Analysis of Specific Heat and the Hybrid Model to Describe Solid AIIIBV, AIIBVI and Fourth Group Compounds from 0 to 1500 K

    Valery Vassiliev1; Marcelle Gaune-Escard2;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 466
    Topic: 13


    Our previous review articles [1] evidenced the relation of thermodynamic data with Periodic Law. A strict relationship could be established between the enthalpy of formation, melting point and the atomic numbers of components in the semiconductor AIIIBV phases, with the diamond-like structure of sphalerite and wurtzite types. The proposed model was used for the critical assessment of the thermodynamic properties of isostructural compounds. The relationship between the reduced enthalpy, standard entropy, reduced Gibbs energy and the sum of the atomic numbers (Zi = ZA + ZB) has been used for the critical assessment of the thermodynamic properties of AIIIBV phases. The Similarity method was applied for the critical analysis of heat capacities for the AIIIBV in the solid-state [2]. The relationship of the heat capacities of AIIIBV phases vs. the logarithm of the sum of elements atomic numbers the AIIIBV phases (sphalerite and wurtzite types) was used to estimate the continuum above 298 K [2].
    So, the Similarity Method was used for the critical analysis of specific heats for the fourth group (C, Si, Ge, Sn), AIIIBV and AIIBVI isostructural phases in the solid-state. The dependence of the heat capacities from 0 to 1500 K follows certain regularity. Phases with the same sum of the atomic numbers of elements (Z), such as BN (hex) Z=12 and glassy pure carbon Z=6; BP and AlN (Z=20); AlP (Z=28) and pure Si (Z=14); BAs and GaN (Z=38); AlAs and ZnS (Z=46); AlSb, GaAs, InP (Z=64) and pure Ge (Z=32); GaSb, InAs, and CdSe (Z=82); InSb, CdTe (Z=100) and pure grey Sn (Z=50); have the same heat capacity experimental values of the solid-state within the experimental uncertainty [3].
    We can apply this rule for different isostructural compounds.
    Keyword: Semiconductors (AII-BVI, AIV, AIII-BV), heat capacity, entropy, Debye’s functions


    Characterization; Compounds; Materials; Phase; Thermodynamic;


    1. V.P. Vassiliev, B. Legendre, V.P. Zlomanov. The critical analysis and mutual coherence of thermodynamic data of the AIIIBV phases. Intermetallics 19 (2011) 1891-1901.
    2. V.P. Vassiliev, W.P. Gong, A.F. Taldrik, S.A. Kulinich. Method of the correlative optimization of heat capacities of isostructural compounds. J. Alloys and Comp. 552 (2013) 248-254.
    3. V.P. Vassiliev , V.A. Lysenko , A.F. Taldrik , N.I. Ilynykh , L.G. Sevastyanova 41-st Conference on Phase Equilibria Book of Abstracts, JEEP. 2015. Coimbra.V.1.P.140, Portugal, Mars23-25, 2015. Approximation of the Low-temperature Heat Capacity of AIIIBV Compounds by Linear Combination of Debye’s Functions

    Cite this article as:

    Vassiliev V and Gaune-Escard M. (2019). The Similarity Method, Critical Analysis of Specific Heat and the Hybrid Model to Describe Solid AIIIBV, AIIBVI and Fourth Group Compounds from 0 to 1500 K. In F. Kongoli, M. Gaune-Escard, J. Dupont, R. Fehrmann, A. Loidl, D. MacFarlane, R. Richert, M. Watanabe, L. Wondraczek, M. Yoshizawa-Fujita, Y. Yue (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2019 Volume 1: Angell Intl. Symp. / Molten Salt, Ionic & Glass-forming Liquids: Processing and Sustainability (pp. 156-157). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach