2019-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2019 Volume 4: Kozlov Intl. Symp. / Sustainable Materials Recycling Processes and Products

Editors:F. Kongoli, S.V. Alexandrovich, D.V. Grigorievich, L.L. Igoryevich, I. Startsev, T.A. Vladimirovich
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2019
Pages:193 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Skull Formation in Fluid-Bed Furnaces during Fine Sulphide Zinc Concentrates' Calcination

    Pavel Kozlov1; Vladimir Terentev2;
    1UMMC-HOLDING, Moscow, Russian Federation; 2CHELYABINSK ZINC PLANT, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 136
    Topic: 7


    Provision of a stable and regulated process is an urgent task during the processing of sulphide zinc concentrates with different chemical and particle size composition in fluid-bed furnaces. This problem is solved by choosing temperature conditions of roasting, and calculation of the charge composition as a mixture of various zinc concentrates.
    The current trend in the change of zinc concentrates’ grain-size composition (average particle size decrease) and the increase of impurities of iron, lead, copper, and silica contained in them determines the necessity of the studies on the concentrates sintering ability during calcination, which is undesirable for the process in fluid-bed furnace.
    The article considers the effect of particle size composition on the probability of agglomerative sinter formation during calcination and the effect of impurities in the concentrates on the strength of the received sinters. The threshold particle size of the concentrates (100 µm) was defined. If the threshold particle is less than 100 µm, then agglomerative sinter is formed in the process of roasting. In the roasting process of different concentrates with fixed values of particle size, temperature and time agglomerative sinters with different mechanical strength were obtained. Dependence of the sinter strength on the iron content in the concentrate from 20 kPa at 1.43 % Fe to 540 kPa at 14.85% Fe was determined.
    Changes were made in the process of calculation and charge preparation for calcination in fluidized bed furnaces. Changes were also applied to the furnace design on the basis of current and previous researches. These changes made the prevention of adverse effects of the foregoing factors possible and ensured stable technology management.


    Concentrating; Material; Smelting; Sustainability; Technology;


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    [2] Constantineau J.P., Bouffard S.C., Grace J.R., Richards G.G., Lim C.J., Demonstration of the conditions conductive to agglomeration of zinc calcine in fluidized bed roasters. Minerals Engineering.2011. Vol. 24. pp. 1409-1420.
    [3] Abramovskaya L.A., Saprygin V.A., Saprygin A.F., Ushakov N.N., Research of skull formation reasons during calcination of low-grade sulfide zinc concentrates in fluidized-bed furnaces. Non-ferous Metals. 2003. No. 2. pp. 29-33.

    Cite this article as:

    Kozlov P and Terentev V. (2019). Skull Formation in Fluid-Bed Furnaces during Fine Sulphide Zinc Concentrates' Calcination. In F. Kongoli, S.V. Alexandrovich, D.V. Grigorievich, L.L. Igoryevich, I. Startsev, T.A. Vladimirovich (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2019 Volume 4: Kozlov Intl. Symp. / Sustainable Materials Recycling Processes and Products (pp. 171-172). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach