2019-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2019 Volume 7: Schrefler Intl. Symp. / Geomechanics and Applications for Sustainable Development

Editors:F. Kongoli, E. Aifantis, A. Chan, D. Gawin, N. Khalil, L. Laloui, M. Pastor, F. Pesavento, L. Sanavia
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2019
Pages:190 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    On Established Dynamic Front Propagation Regimes in Structured and Continuous Media.

    Gennady Mishuris1; Leonid Slepyan2;
    1ABERYSTWYTH UNIVERSITY, Aberystwyth, United Kingdom; 2TEL-AVIV UNIVERSITY, Ramat Aviv, Israel;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Id Paper: 247
    Topic: 51


    Recently, non-continuous (step-wise) crack propagation has been observed in the numerical and experimental analysis concerning hydraulic fracture propagation in porous rock. It has been shown that the phenomenon is of a fundamental nature in the HF process [1,2]. Simultaneously, various regular crack propagation regimes (e.g. crack speed oscillation) have been discovered in the dynamic processes: in discrete elastic structures (splitting chain strips, crack propagation in lattices with different links [3-5]), and in continuous media (delamination of a flexural elastic beam rested on the Winkler foundation [6]).
    The latter case has much in common with the phenomenon discussed in [1,2]. Among others, it was shown in [6] that, under the action of an incident sinusoidal wave, the steady-state mode exists only in a bounded domain of the wave amplitude. For higher amplitudes, local separation segments periodically emerge at a distance ahead of the main transition front. The analytical solution obtained allows analysis of this effect in detail and allows identification of a boundary between the steady-state and forerunning modes into the parametric space.
    In a structured material (even of a simplest regular structure), depending on the applied load and the material properties, the following basic established (regular) dynamic fault / fracture propagation regimes can be identified [3-5]: fully open (classic) crack, bridge crack, and cluster-type propagation and forerunning. For more complex materials, all of those modes can appear together as a specific combination organized into rather complex, but still regular, regimes. We do not include the so-called branching crack propagation regime into this classification. This regime may also be very regular but it is not supported in one-dimensional front propagation as the previous modes.


    Computational Geomechanics; Hydraulic fracturing; Natural hazards;


    [1] Cao T, Hussain F, Schrefler B. J. Mech. Phys. Solid. (2018); 111:113-133.
    [2] Peruzzo C, Cao D, Milanese E, Favia P, Pesavento F, Hussain F, Schrefler B. Eur. J. Mech. A Solids (2019), 74:471-484.
    [3] Slepyan, L., Movchan, A., Mishuris, G., Int J Fract, (2009) 162, 91-106.
    [4] Ayzenberg-Stepanenko, M., Mishuris, G., Slepyan, L., Proc. R. Soc. A (2014), 470, 20140121.
    [5] Nieves, M., Mishuris, G., Slepyan, L., Int. J. Solids Struct, (2016), 97-98, 699-713.
    [6] Slepyan, L., Ayzenberg-Stepanenko, M., Mishuris, G., Forerunning mode transition in a continuous waveguide. (2015) J. Mech. Phys. Solids 78, 32-45.

    Cite this article as:

    Mishuris G and Slepyan L. (2019). On Established Dynamic Front Propagation Regimes in Structured and Continuous Media.. In F. Kongoli, E. Aifantis, A. Chan, D. Gawin, N. Khalil, L. Laloui, M. Pastor, F. Pesavento, L. Sanavia (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2019 Volume 7: Schrefler Intl. Symp. / Geomechanics and Applications for Sustainable Development (pp. 85-86). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach