2019-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2019 Volume 9: Tressaud Intl. Symp. / Solid State Chemistry for Applications and Sustainable Development

Editors:F. Kongoli, M.A. Alario Franco, J. Etourneau, S. Kalogirou, F.D.S. Marquis, R. Martins, K. Poeppelmeier, B. Raveau, Y. Shimakawa, M. Takano
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2019
Pages:130 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    Advanced Energy Storage systems for enabling electrification of vehicles Lithium Ion and Beyond

    Khalil Amine1;
    1ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Argonne, United States;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Id Paper: 62
    Topic: 52


    To meet the high-energy requirements that can enable the 40-mile electric drive plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (P-HEVs), long range electric vehicle (EV) and smart grid, it is necessary to develop very high energy and high power cathodes and anodes that, when combined in a battery system, must offer over 5,000 charge-depleting cycles, 15 years of calendar life as well as excellent abuse tolerance. These challenging requirements make it difficult for conventional battery systems to be adopted in P-HEVs and EVs. In this talk, we will first introduce the next generation lithium ion battery that include the Ni rich full gradient cathode [1], a high voltage and nonflammable Fluorinated based electrolyte and Silicon-graphene composite anode including a novel pre-lithiation technology to overcome the irreversible loss of this anode in the first cycle . We will then finish by describing a novel lithium superoxide based on a close battery system that offers at least 3 times the energy density of the state of the art lithium ion battery [2-3] and a SeS system with novel electrolytes that suppress the dissolution of polysulfide species [4].


    Advanced Characterization Techniques and Applications; Advances in the synthesis routes; Design of materials for sustainable energy production;


    [1]Sun, Y. K.; Chen, Z. H.; Noh, H. J.; Lee, D. J.; Jung, H. G.; Ren, Y.; Wang, S.; Yoon, C. S.; Myung, S. T.; Amine, K., Nature Material 2012,11 (11), 942-947
    [2] Zhu, Z.; Kushima, A.; Yin, Z. Y.; Qi, L.; Amine, K.; Lu, J.; Li, J., Anion-redox nanolithia cathodes for Li-ion batteries. Nature Energy,2016, 1, 16111
    [3] Lu, J.; Lee, Y. J.; Luo, X. Y.; Lau, K. C.; Asadi, M.; Wang, H. H.; Brombosz, S.; Wen, J. G.; Zhai, D. Y.; Chen, Z. H.; Miller, D. J.; Jeong, Y. S.; Park, J. B.; Fang, Z. Z.; Kumar, B.; Salehi-Khojin, A.; Sun, Y. K.; Curtiss, L. A.; Amine, K., Nature 2016,529 (7586), 377-+.

    Cite this article as:

    Amine K. (2019). Advanced Energy Storage systems for enabling electrification of vehicles Lithium Ion and Beyond. In F. Kongoli, M.A. Alario Franco, J. Etourneau, S. Kalogirou, F.D.S. Marquis, R. Martins, K. Poeppelmeier, B. Raveau, Y. Shimakawa, M. Takano (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2019 Volume 9: Tressaud Intl. Symp. / Solid State Chemistry for Applications and Sustainable Development (pp. 92-93). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach