In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. Ferid Murad

Abstract Submission Open! About 500 abstracts submitted from about 60 countries

Featuring 9 Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

Abstract Submission
no_photo Professor

Ali Bumajdad

Kuwait University
Safat, Kuwait

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Short Bio:

Prof. Ali Bumajdad received a B.Sc. from Kuwait University in 1995, and a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. from University of Bristol, in 1996 and 2000, respectively. After that he started his faculty career at Kuwait University, Department of Chemistry. He was promoted to associate professors in 2006 and to full professors in 2014. His specialty is related to nanomaterials and nanotechnology with focus on surfaces and colloidal properties of nanomaterials. In his research, he targeted materials with environmental, renewable energy, sensors, and green chemistry applications. He was well trained on using neuron scattering facilities and he visited several times Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (ISIS, UK), Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL, France), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Center for Neutron Research (Gaithersburg, USA) and Oakridge National Lab (ORNL, USA). He published 82 peer-reviewed paper and 100 conference presentation and take part in 22 research project halves of them as principal investigator. So far, Prof. Bumajdad supervised 12 M.Sc. and 7 Ph.D. students. Prof. Bumajdad is a frequent reviewer to over 50 international journals in the field of nanotechnology and surface chemistry. He was the chair of the first Kuwait International Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition that was held in 2016. He was also the chair of the conference International Conference on Sustainability of Built Environment in the Gulf Region which was held in 2019. Prof. Bumajdad is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and International Representative to RSC in Kuwait. In 2013, he was Awarded the Scientific Production Prize, Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Science, KFAS.