2022-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
SIPS2022 Volume 17 Intl. Symp on Non-Ferrous, Mining, Cement, Mineral Processing, Environmental, Ecosystems and Education

Editors:F. Kongoli, J. Antrekowitsch, T. Okura, Z. Wang, L. Liu, L. Guo, J. Ripke, E. Souza.
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2022
Pages:140 pages
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
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    BioChar, The New Black Gold

    Pinchas Mandell1;
    1FAMILY OF ISRAEL FOUNDATION, Accord, United States;
    Type of Paper: Plenary
    Id Paper: 516
    Topic: 10


    BioChar is a highly adsorbent, specially-produced nano-carbon with unique properties originally used as a soil amendment in agriculture. The Industrial process of Pyrolysis used to produce BioChar enables the creation of multiple profit centers utilizing renewable biomass as a feedstock and producing as a byproduct BioChar, Heat, Electricity, Bio- Diesel, Jet Fuel, and Tar.
    To date, there are over 55 known uses for BioChar with many more being discovered every month. Its major uses today are in Sustainable Agriculture [1,2] which Improves soil fertility and increasing yield per hectare, water and fertilizer (nutrients) bind to the BioChar in the root zone and release it according to the plant’s requirements, prevents leaching (waste) of water and fertilizer and it’s contamination of ground water, development of healthy roots, reduces soil acidity, saves up to 50% in water usage as well as significant reduction in fertilizer consumption, growing organic crops economically, enables farming of desert land; Farm Animal Food Supplement [3] Additive to Asphalt, Concrete, and Plastics [4,5,6,7], Environmental Cleanup of Contaminated Soil & Water [8] As just a small sample of all the peer reviewed journal articles of new scientific findings leading to practical application for BioChar click HERE.
    It turns out that the stable carbon matrix that BioChar is made of has all kinds of interesting properties. This carbon matrix which has both anionic and cationic exchange properties can hold on to things – water, air, metals and organic chemicals, and it also has unique thermal and electrical properties that are still being explored. Finally, the highly porous physical structure of BioChar provides habitat for microorganisms. With so many different properties, BioChar is bound to have a lot of different uses, but one function that all BioChar applications (other than burning it for fuel) share is carbon sequestration. By fixing easily degradable plant carbon into long-lasting charcoal, carbon dioxide is slowly but surely removed from the atmosphere. It is no wonder that it is considered and being called the “New Black GOLD”!


    [1] Biochar implications for sustainable agriculture and environment: A review South African Journal of Botany 127 December 2019 p.333-347
    [2] Beneficial Effects of Biochar on Agriculture and Environments International Research Journal of Pure &
    Applied Chemistry 21(15): 74-88, 2020
    [3] The use of Biochar in animal feeding Schmidt H-P, Hagemann N, Draper K, Kammann C. 2019. PeerJ 7:e7373 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.7373
    [4] Biochar for asphalt modification: A case of high-temperature properties improvement. 2022 Jan
    15;804:150194. doi: 10.1016 Science of The Total Environment Volume 804, 15 January 2022, 150194
    [5] Biochar Amended Concrete for Carbon Sequestration October 2020 IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 936(1):012007 DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/936/1/012007
    [6] Biochar-filled plastics: Effect of feedstock on thermal and mechanical properties Biomass Conversion and
    Biorefinery Volume 12, pages 4349–4360 (2022)
    [8] Effects of Biochar in Soil and Water Remediation: A Review Biodegradation DOI: http://dx.doi.org/ 10.5772/intechopen.101374

    Cite this article as:

    Mandell P. (2022). BioChar, The New Black Gold. In F. Kongoli, J. Antrekowitsch, T. Okura, Z. Wang, L. Liu, L. Guo, J. Ripke, E. Souza. (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit SIPS2022 Volume 17 Intl. Symp on Non-Ferrous, Mining, Cement, Mineral Processing, Environmental, Ecosystems and Education (pp. 119-120). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach