2023-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
Assis Intl. Symp/ Advanced Iron & Steel Making

Editors:F. Kongoli, T. Usui, R.A. Vilela, J. A. de Castro, W. F. Santos, J. Poveromo, GS. Mahobia, B. Deo
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2023
Pages:441 pages
ISBN:978-1-989820-72-8 (CD)
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
CD shopping page


    Nathalia Balzana Anacleto1; Gabrielle de Castro Martins2; Michelle dos Santos Marinho3;
    Type of Paper: Keynote
    Id Paper: 358
    Topic: 2


    Climate change and environmental impacts reflect the externalities of a global model of unsustainable production and consumption. However, even in the face of a chaotic environmental scenario, the exploitation of resources and consequently Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions continue to increase, thus causing an increase in temperature and possible irreversible impacts on the planet. The Circular Economy presents itself as a tool for mitigating extraction and cooperation for efficient resource management, avoiding waste [1] . Currently, the transport sector is the main responsible for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, making the transformation of this sector's value chain urgent[2] . In a national context, motor vehicles are the main means of transport used, in the year 2022 there were approximately 115 million vehicles registered in Brazil. Revealing the expressive growth rate compared to 2010 data, with approximately 65 million vehicles circulating in the national territory[3] . A study carried out in 2018 shows that the transport sector was responsible for 23% of the total amount of COemissions worldwide in 2017. In addition to being one of the world's largest consumers of oil[4] . The 100% electric vehicle therefore appears as a promising solution to this scenario of mitigating air pollution, especially in urban centers where its concentration occurs. This article proposes to develop a method for collecting and analyzing the characteristics observed by consumers when choosing their own vehicle. It seeks to identify stages of awareness and the transition movement between internal combustion vehicles and 100% electric vehicles. To this end, the research developed a form via Google Forms aimed at evaluating the parameters used by consumers when considering the possibility of migrating to 100% electric models. This form was applied to seventy-six (76) citizens living in the State of Rio de Janeiro, invited to participate in the research. The findings suggest evidence of different stages of awareness and acceptance regarding the transition to 100% electric vehicles. Thus, one of the solutions proposed by this work is the transition from internal combustion vehicles to electric vehicles fueled with ethanol, which, in addition to contributing significantly to reducing dependence on fossil fuels, encourage the search for renewable energy sources such as those coming from of biomass. In order to positively impact the scenario of GHG emissions caused by the sector.


    Electric Cars; Greenhouse gases; Ethanol; Climate changes; Circular Economy


    [1] ANACLETO, Nathália Balzana. (2022). Circularidade na construção civil: análise e avaliação aplicadas a oito casos no estado do Rio de Janeiro (Dissertação de Mestrado). Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói.
    [2] MINISTÉRIO DO MEIO AMBIENTE. Inventário nacional de emissões atmosféricas por veículos automotores rodoviários. Brasil, 2013.
    [3] IBGE. Frota de Veículos. 2023. Disponível em: . Acesso em: junho de 2023
    [4] CORDEIRO, Ana Carolina; LOSEKANN, Luciano. 2018. Os desafios do processo de difusão do carro elétrico no Brasil. Disponível em: <04c844642997f2143aab25578215f3257293.pdf (semanticscholar.org)>. Acesso em: junho de 2023

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    Cite this article as:

    Balzana Anacleto N, de Castro Martins G, Marinho M. (2023). ELECTRIC VEHICLES: A POSSIBLE RESPONSE TO CLIMATE EMERGENCIES. In F. Kongoli, T. Usui, R.A. Vilela, J. A. de Castro, W. F. Santos, J. Poveromo, GS. Mahobia, B. Deo (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit Assis Intl. Symp/ Advanced Iron & Steel Making (pp. 104-119). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach