2023-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
Intl. Symp on Advanced Materials and Modelling of Complex Materials

Editors:F. Kongoli, F. Marquis, N. Chikhradze, T. Prikhna, O. Adiguzel, E. Aifantis, R. Das, P. Trovalusci
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2023
Pages:288 pages
ISBN:978-1-998384-00-6 (CD)
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
CD shopping page


    Fernand Marquis1;
    Type of Paper: Plenary
    Id Paper: 339
    Topic: 43


    Sustainable development is a comprehensive and complex system of systems requiring multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary science and technology inputs with economic, environmental, and social objectives. In broad terms, sustainable development is achieved when the present needs and challenges are met without placing in jeopardy the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and challenges. The trade space is very wide, and the multitude of trade-offs generate considerable challenges and make it often difficult to achieve an effective balance, most beneficial to all concerned. During the last sixty years the planet’s population has grown exponentially, from 2 to almost 8 billion people, and the technological progress achieved in certain global locations has been tremendous, especially in the industrialized countries. These trends are expected to continue, even at faster rates, and to extend to other global locations. However, all these associated technological activities in the pursuit of better living standards have created a considerable depletion of resources and pollution of land, water, air, and natural resources. Thus, it is imperative that we achieve more with less, implementing considerable energy efficiencies and activating the transition to alternative and renewable energy sources. To reach these goals considerable achievements have been obtained in the development of new and advanced materials such as light weight metallic alloys, metal matrix composites, intermetallic and carbon fiber composites, and hybrid materials systems. Nano, nano-structured and nano-hybrid carbon-based materials systems and nanotechnologies have also been deployed with considerable and transformative impact on energy, environment, and health. This presentation focuses on global perspectives of the impact of certain new and advanced materials and technologies on sustainable development with examples from several of its domains.


    advanced materials and technologies; transformative materials; nanomaterials; nano-hybrid materials systems; carbon base nano materials systems; natural resources; sustainable development; energy, environment, and health.

    Cite this article as:

    Marquis F. (2023). NEW AND ADVANCED MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES AND THE SUSTAINABILITY FRAMEWORK. In F. Kongoli, F. Marquis, N. Chikhradze, T. Prikhna, O. Adiguzel, E. Aifantis, R. Das, P. Trovalusci (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit Intl. Symp on Advanced Materials and Modelling of Complex Materials (pp. 47-48). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach