2023-Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit
Echegoyen Intl. Symp / Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands

Editors:F. Kongoli, M.P. Brzezinska, M.A. Alario-Franco, F. Marquis, M.S. Noufal, E.Palomares, J.M. Poblet, D.M. Guldi, A.A. Popov, A.R. Puente Santiago, B. Raveau, D. G. Rodriguez, S. Stevenson, T. Torres, A. Tressaud, M. de Campos
Publisher:Flogen Star OUTREACH
Publication Year:2023
Pages:166 pages
ISBN:978-1-989820-78-0 (CD)
ISSN:2291-1227 (Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment Series)
CD shopping page


    Miguel A. Alario Franco1;
    1COMPLUTENSE U. OF MADRID, Madrid, Spain;
    Type of Paper: Regular
    Id Paper: 96
    Topic: 16


    Knowing that solids are formed by atoms, and that atoms have, indeed, a size, it is no wonder that the size of atoms does influence the Chemistry of Solids. However, the way the atoms size makes its influence can be rather elaborate, even surprising¡. In the present lecture, after a brief introduction of atoms and ions sizes, we will present two examples of the marked influence of Rare Earth (RE) ions sizes in two very interesting cuprate families:
    * The High Pressure/High Temperature Solid State Synthesis of Materials of the so-called rutheno-cuprate family: RuSr2RECu2O8 (The unexpected influence of the f-electrons)
    * The presence, or absence, of superconducting properties in the family of partly substituted copper in YSrCuO: i.e. Mo0.3Cu0.7Sr2RECuO7+d. (Anion & cation order/disorder)
    * The third example shows the correlation of P & T in the ordering in the A & B positions of a quadruple perovskite “Sr2RECu2IrO9-”.[3]


    Nanomaterials; Solid State Chemistry; Rare earth


    1.-M.Á. Alario-Franco*, Rocío Ruiz- Bustos & A.J. Dos Santos-García Inorg. Chem. (2008) 47,146475-6481.
    2.-Xabier Martínez de Irujo-Labalde, Esteban Urones-Garrote, Susana García-Martín & Miguel Ángel Alario-Franco*: Inorg. Che .(2018) 57, 19, 12038-12049.
    3.- M.Á. Alario-Franco et al, Turning points in Solid State Materials. RSC Publishing (2008)151-164

    Cite this article as:

    Alario Franco M. (2023). SIZE DOES MATTER… IN SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY¡ THE CASE OF THE RARE EARTHS. In F. Kongoli, M.P. Brzezinska, M.A. Alario-Franco, F. Marquis, M.S. Noufal, E.Palomares, J.M. Poblet, D.M. Guldi, A.A. Popov, A.R. Puente Santiago, B. Raveau, D. G. Rodriguez, S. Stevenson, T. Torres, A. Tressaud, M. de Campos (Eds.), Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit Echegoyen Intl. Symp / Nanomaterials for Future Energy Demands (pp. 107-108). Montreal, Canada: FLOGEN Star Outreach