2019 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
23-27 October 2019, Coral Beach Resort, Paphos, Cyprus
Abstract still accepted for a limited time
Almost 500 Abstracts Submitted from 60 Countries
Six Nobel Laureates have already confirmed their attendance: Profs. Dan Shechtman, Kurt Wüthrich, Ferid Murad, Rudy Marcus, Yuan Lee and Klaus Klitzing.
Abstract Submission


    Madali Naimanbayev1;
    PAPER: 176/Recycling/Regular (Oral)
    SCHEDULED: 16:45/Sat. 26 Oct. 2019/Adonis

    One of the resources in the production of non-ferrous metals is use of waste iron and the steel industry, in which the content of non-ferrous metals are kept up to industrial conditions. Thus, in dusts of gas purification of some plants of ferrous metallurgy, the zinc content is as high as 15%. The results of the study of the binder agent effect during the briquetting of charge include the type of the carbonaceous reducing agent, the consumption of reducing agent, and the fineness of charge components on the process of carbothermal reduction of zinc from oxidized zinc ore with the addition of stale dust of gas cleaning of blast furnace smelting. Bentonite, hydrated lime, and treacle were tested as a binding agent during briquetting of charge. It is established that the optimum binding agent is treacle in an amount of 4.5-5.0% by the weight of the ore. It is shown that the residual zinc content in a product of the reduction roasting, when using the special coke received from coal of Shubarkol, deposit is 1.9 times less than when using anthracite. It is also 3.3 times less than when using metallurgical coke, i.e. special coke is the most fissile reducing agent. The carbon consumption during carbothermal reduction of zinc from oxide ore with the addition of dust is 22-24% lower than in case of zinc recovery from ore. It was found that crushing of charge to class + 0.071-0.04 microns reduces the degree of zinc sublimation. If the size of the charge is 1.0 microns, then the residual zinc content is increased in the cinder. High recovery efficiency is achieved with the following composition of charge, wt. %: oxidized zinc ore is 53.8; dust of gas purification of blast furnace smelting is 26.9; special coke is 21.0; treacle is 5.3.

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