SIPS2021 has been postponed to
Nov. 27th - Dec. 1st 2022
at the same hotel,
The Hilton Phuket Arcadia,
in Phuket, Thailand. Please click here for more details
Abstract Submission Open! About 300 abstracts submitted from about 40 countries
Featuring 9 Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests
The cochair's photo, affiliation, and biography are posted on the SIPS website indefinitely (the website is never deleted) rendering them visible to our database of 600,000 professionals worldwide
The cochair's photo and affiliation are published in the official program book and the official publication of full papers.
The co-chairs will serve as editors of the published volume bearing the symposium name and the honoree name, if applicable (Their role will be mostly advisory since the work will be done by FLOGEN staff).
The co-chairs will be also guest editors of special journal issues which will be published with papers of the symposium
The co-chairs will be able to invite in prestigious positions many professionals
The cochairs will have a 50 Euros discount on the registration fees calculated automatically
The co-chairs will have the possibility to have additional individual incentives offered by SIPS
Responsibilities of Symposium Chairs/Co-chairs:
Advertise for their symposium in their department, university, organization, etc.
Solicit high-quality papers to be presented at the symposium and published in SIPS 2021 CD proceedings
Be part of the review committee of the volume bearing the name of the symposium and the Honoree's name if applicable