In Honor of Nobel Laureate Prof. M Stanley Whittingham


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Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests

Ruggero Maria_Santilli Chief Scientist

Ruggero Maria Santilli

Hadronic Technologies Corporation
Palm Harbor, United States

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Short Bio:

Sir Ruggero M. Santilli obtained his Ph. D. in theoretical physics at the University of Torino, Italy in 1965; he then emigrated to the U.S.A. in 1967 where he was on the faculty of the University of Miami, Boston University, MIT, and Harvard University under financial support from NASA, UFOSR and DOE. In 1991 he accepted the position of President and Professor at the Institute for Basic Research in Florida. He is the author of 345 papers published in refereed journals and twenty post Ph. D. monographs in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology; he is the Editor of a number of scientific journals in mathematics and physics and was awarded twelve U. S. patents. He is internationally known for developing new mathematics (known as Lie-admissible, Lie-isotopic and isodual mathematics) for the construction of hadronic mechanics, chemistry and biology, and for the verification of the 1935 Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument that "quantum mechanics is not a complete theory." These discoveries lead to the prediction of new technologies, incompatible with quantum mechanics but fully compatible with hadronic mechanics, which he developed as Chief Scientist at various U. S. publicly traded and private companies. For more details, please see the curriculum http://www.i-b-r.org/Ruggero-Maria-Santilli.htm AWARDS AND NOMINATIONS: Ruggero Maria Santilli was knighted with the title of Sir on September 8, 2011, by the Republic of San Marino with the Membership in the Millenary Equestrian Order of Sant’Agata. Additionally, Sir R.M. Santilli has received: the Gold Medal from the Universite' d'Orleans, France, on January 6, 1982; the Nomination among the most illustrious applied mathematicians if all times by the Estonia Academy of Sciences in June 9, 1990; a dedication to his name of a lecture hall by the Australian Science and Research Center on September 9, 1992; the Scientific Prize of the Mediterranean Foundation on January 2, 2009; the award of the U. S. Sons of Italy on June 6, 2010; the Scientific Prize of Kathmandu University, Nepal, on January 7, 2011; the Honorary Membership in the European Society of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering on September 21, 2011; the Molinari Peace Price from the Mediterranean Foundation on July 7, 2015; the Frey International Sustainability Award on November 9, 2016; and the "Stella d'Italia" (Star of Italy) with the title of "Cavaliere" from the Italian President Sergio Mattarella on May 31, 2018. For details, please visit the website http://santilli-foundation.org/santilli-nobel-nominations.html SUGGESTED ADDITIONAL WEBSITES: R. M. Santilli, "Overview of historical and recent verifications of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument that "quantum mechanics is not a complete theory" with applications in physics, chemistry and biology," Piceno Aprutina dei Velati, Pescara, Italy (2021) http://www.santilli-foundation.org/epr-overview-2021.pdf Sir R. M. Santilli CV video http://www.world-lecture-series.org/santilli-cv The Institute for Basic Research http://www.i-b-r.org/ 2020 International Teleconference on EPR verifications http://www.world-lecture-series.org/level-xii-epr-teleconference-2020 Nine minute video on EPR verifications http://www.world-lecture-series.org/legacy-of-einstein-for-new-clean-energies EPR Debates http://eprdebates.org/ The R.M. Santilli Foundation http://www.santilli-foundation Scientific archives http://www.santilli-foundation.org/news.html Corporate archives http://hadronictechnologies.com/index.php/ct-menu-item-13