In Honor of Nobel Laureate Dr. Avram Hershko
Hans Leuenberger

Abstract Submission Open! More than 500 abstracts submitted from over 50 countries

Featuring many Nobel Laureates and other Distinguished Guests


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    Leuenberger International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Sciences and Industrial Applications for Sustainable Development


    Click here to see the Chair special introduction for this symposium


    • The venue of the symposium on the sustainability of Pharmaceutical Sciences has a specific significance since the Minoan Culture formed a bridge to the ancient cultures of Egypt, Persia, Syria, and the Middle East starting with the Ebers Papyrus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebers_Papyrus).
    • Impact of Nano Science & Technology, and spray-freeze drying regarding formulations for precision medicine, phage therapy, cancer therapy and vaccine formulations (http://www.kaltura.com/tiny/vozmz).
    • Derendorf Session on Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacometrics and Clinical Pharmacology, and the role of health authorities such as European Medicines Agency EMA, Food and Drug Administration FDA, Swiss medic, US and EU pharmacopoeia, International Council of Harmonization ICH, and World Health Organization WHO on the sustainability of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
    • Key elements for a sustainable world are defined in the Code of Conduct of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (https://akademien-schweiz.ch/en/themen/scientific-culture/scientific-integrity-1/) being elaborated under the guidance of Prof. Marcel Tanner, former president of the Swiss academies.
    • The Code of Conduct is linked to the original Oath of Hippocrates protecting human rights. Today, key elements of the Code of Conduct are Scientific Integrity, Integrity of Data and Ethical Aspects respecting Human Rights.
    • Impact of the Legal Framework, Business Ethics, and the Acceptance of a New Technology such as Nano Science & Technology, or today Artificial Intelligence (http://www.kaltura.com/tiny/rvrzp).
    • Correlation between the Rise and Fall of Advanced Civilizations as described by Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogine and the philosopher Isabelle Stengers in the bestseller «Order out of Chaos». The lack of a sustainable healthy and peaceful world is leading to migration, bloody revolutions, and wars. Can humanity learn from its history?
    • A sustainable healthy world can only be realized when political conflicts between nations are resolved without military force. In case of a military conflict only the International Committee of the Red Cross, based on its strict neutrality, was able to organize, as a minimum, an exchange of prisoners of war.
    • This fact prompts the question, whether it is time to create a World Peace Organization WPO in addition to the World Health Organization WHO of the United Nations?
    • The International Council of Harmonization (www.ich.org) of the WHO developed tools to find solutions for resolving problems for promoting a healthy world based on Scientific Integrity and Integrity of Data. Thus, is it possible to create a specific WPO - ICH working party based on a Scientific Integrity and Integrity of Data in the framework of a politically strict neutrality to resolve military conflicts, respectively to prevent future military conflicts?
    • Impact of nutritional science in combination with pharmaceutical sciences on the sustainability of a sustainable lifestyle, It is important to notice that already at the time of Hippocrates and Galen, nutrition was considered as the key element for human health.
    • Artificial Intelligence AI is currently the new Megatrend in Science and Technology. AI is multi-disciplinary and doesn't know national borders in space and time!
    • AI is an ideal Tool for the Advancement of Pharmaceutical Sciences. What could be the contribution of AI for further development of a Virtual Patient described as an Organic Supercomputer, able to replicate (http://www.kaltura.com/tiny/y1r1r)?

    Additional Topics for Sessions or for Round Table Discussions:

    • Impact of the new 3D tablet printing technology on the future of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
      • Background: According to Prof. Isidoro Caraballo, there is an opportunity for the pharmacist in a hospital to use the tools for pharmaceutical 3D tablet printing to prepare personalized medicine for patients.
        In this context, regulatory questions may arise since the formulation is not manufactured by a pharmaceutical company. In Switzerland community pharmacies are allowed to prepare a personalized set of existing original or generic medications for patients staying in a hospitals or in a nursing home.
    • Impact of a close cooperation between the Lake Nona Leadership Council , the Switzerland Innovation Park of the Basel Area (https://sip.com) and the Japanese Japanese i-Shonan Health Innovation Park (https://www.shonan-ipark.com) at Fujisawa on the sustainability of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
      • Background: Prof. Leuenberger appreciated that the Japanese pharmaceutical company SHIONOGI sent scientists to his Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology at the University of Basel. These visiting scientists collaborated with his PhD students which was fruitful for both sides. Thus, it could be of interest to promoting such a program by involving more pharmaceutical companies worldwide, including companies collaborating with the Lake Nona Leadership Council, companies being involved in the Switzerland Innovation Park of the Basel Area (https://sip.com) or in the Japanese i-Shonan Health Innovation Park (https://www.shonan-ipark.com) at Fujisawa.
    • Impact of nutritional science in combination with pharmaceutical sciences on the sustainability of a sustainable lifestyle, It is important to notice that already at the time of Hippocrates and Galen, nutrition was considered as the key element for human health.
      • Background: Prof. Luciana Oliveira de Farina, Brazil supports the idea that nutritional science should be part of pharmaceutical sciences and of the education of pharmacists for a sustainable world as a key element for human health and well-being.
    • Unresolved mysteries in pharmaceutical sciences such as the scientific interpretation of the placebo effect, the effect of “mind over matter”, the healing effect of sacred power spots such as “Lourdes”, the scientific reason for the positive effect of Acupuncture as shown by the study of the Charite in Berlin, the healing effect of martial arts such as Tai Chi and other complementary medical treatments.
    • Can the positive placebo effect be interpreted as an intrinsic human propensity of self-healing?
    • It is important to realize that the efficacy of a new medical treatment is based on its superiority compared to a placebo treatment. Thus, factors being able to interfere with the placebo effect are of specific interest but may lead to controversial discussions.
    • In 1988, Jacques Benveniste published a paper in nature which seemed to support the concept of homoepathy, and that water has a memory effect. Benveniste, however, did not retract his publication. Despite the critical discussions, Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier subsequently took up Beveniste's work on water memory, and he and other scientists claimed to have successfully replicated Benveniste's experiments.
      • Background: A controversial discussion has the power to discontinue further scientific investigations, as in the case of the early experiments by Dr. Angelo Comunetti more than 50 years ago, since his results could not be explained at that time.
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Click here to see the Social Media Text: https://www.flogen.org/sips2024/socialmediatext/Pharmaceutical_Social_Media_Text.html
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Click here to view the list of abstracts for this symposium: https://www.flogen.org/sips2024/technical_program.php?a=d2ddea18f00665ce8623e36bd4e3c7c5
Click here to submit abstract: https://www.flogen.org/sips2024/abstract_submission.php


Florian Kongoli
Dr. Florian Kongoli
FLOGEN Technologies
Canada, [Bio]
Stephan Buchmann
Dr. Stephan Buchmann
Idorsia Pharmaceuticals
Switzerland, [Bio]
Georgios Imanidis
Dr. Georgios Imanidis
U. of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
Switzerland, [Bio]
Ibrahim Karim
Dr. Ibrahim Karim
CEO, President, Engineer
BioGeometry Energy Systems
Egypt, [Bio]
Go Kimura
Dr. Go Kimura
Senior Director
Shionogi & Co., Ltd.
Japan, [Bio]
Gregory Knipp
Dr. Gregory Knipp
Purdue U.
USA, [Bio]
Michael Makanga
Dr. Michael Makanga
Executive Director
Global Health EDCTP3
Belgium, [Bio]
Natalia Menshutina
Dr. Natalia Menshutina
Mendeleev U. of Chemical Technology of Russia
Russian Federation, [Bio]
Peter Swaan
Dr. Peter Swaan
U. of Florida
USA, [Bio]
Marcel Tanner
Dr. Marcel Tanner
Swiss Academy of Arts and Sciences
Switzerland, [Bio]
Hassan Tarabishi
Dr. Hassan Tarabishi
Executive President
Somicon Industrial
United Arab Emirates, [Bio]