Prof. Marcelle Gaune-Escard received her PhD in 1968 and These d’Etat es- Sciences Physiques in 1972 from the University of Mareille, France. During her education, she also obtained a Certificate of Proficiency in 1960 and was certified as a Gold Assayer by La Monnaie de Paris in 1976.
Upon completing her graduate work, she began a highly successful research career at the Centre National de la recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Marseille. Since coming to CNRS, she was Director of Research at the Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Marseille, Institut Universitaire des Systemes Thermiques Industriels, CNRS-UMR 7343, in the filed of engineering sciences, and she has been in charge of the Thermodynamics of High Temperature Liquids group at CNRS-UMR over 30 years. She is currently Emeritus Director of Research there.
Marcelle Gaune-Escard has had a long and distinguished scientific career. She has produced over 350 international publications, and she has acted as editor of several books or guest editor of various journals. In addition, she has passed on her extensive scientific knowledge, mentoring 15 Ph.D. students as well as numerous post-doctoral and visiting researchers.
Her main research interests have been in the areas of thermodynamics and calorimetry of molten salts, with rare earth compounds and mixtures being areas of significant focus. She has also been an important proponent for saving information and making it accessible to the scientific community at large. She initiated and is the current editor of Molten Salt Bulletin. This important periodical gives information on publications and meetings in the field, in addition to a main research article in each volume.
Gaune-Escard is also a recognized expert in various European programs and in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for the pyrometallurgical processing of nuclear waste, as in several industries dealing with molten salt applications for energy ranging from solar to nuclear.
Prof. Marcelle Gaune-Escard, Receiving the Fray International Sustainability Award from Dr. Florian Kongoli at FLOGEN SIPS 2019
Prof. Marcelle Gaune-Escard, Delivering her acceptance speech to Dr. Florian Kongoli during the FLOGEN SIPS 2019 ceremony
Dr. Florian Kongoli and Prof. Marcelle Gaune-Escard, During the FLOGEN SIPS 2019 ceremony
Dr. Florian Kongoli congratulating Prof. Marcelle Gaune Escard on her award at FLOGEN SIPS 2019
The video Award Ceremony of Prof Marcelle Gaune-Escard at SIPS 2019. Dr Florian Kongoli presides upon the official ceremony
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