Fray International Sustainability Award

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Politics | Corporations | Academia | Research Institutions

"For Leadership in developing new advanced public policy frameworks related to the efficiency of mineral and metal resources for a global sustainable development"

The recipients of Fray International Sustainability Award in the category of Politicians are:
Category Alphabetic Order

:: Commissioners/Ministers of Union of Independent States:
- Honorable Janez Potocnik Environmental Commissioner of European Union: [Details ]: 2011
:: Heads of National Government Organizations
- Prof. Wei Yang, National Natural Science Foundation of China [Details]: 2016, Sanya, China
:: Members of Parliament of Union of Independent States
- Honorable Reinhard Butikofer Member of European Parliament [Details ]: 2011
:: Members of Parliament of National Governments
- Honorable Stephane Dion Member of Parliament, Canada [Details ]: 2011
:: Ministers of National Governments:
- Honorable Juan Rafael Elvira Quesara Minister of Environment and national Resources, Mexico [Details ]: 2011
:: Premiers/Governors/Ministers of Sub-National Governments (States, Provinces)
- Honorable Jean Charest Prime Minister of Quebec [Details ]: 2012
- Honorable Pierre Arcand Minister Energy and Natural Resources and Northern Mining Plan [Details]: 2014
:: Prime Ministers of National Governments
- Honorable Sali Berisha Prime Minister of Albania [Details]: 2012
:: Presidents of National Governments
- Honorable Tarja Halonen President of Finland [Details]: 2014

Proposals of worthy candidates are solicited for Fray International Sustainability Award.
They have to be submitted at secretary@flogen.org

Deadline for proposals and expression of interest: 31 August