FLOGEN Summits

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12 SIPS Summits 5000+ Presentations 23 Nobel Laureates

August 2006 Flogen Summits

SIPS 2006 64


Sohn International Symposium on Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials: Principles, Technologies and Industrial Practice: Held during August 27-31, 2006 at the excellent beach-side Catamaran Resort (www.catamaranresort.com) in San Diego, California, USA

  • 530 papers from 80 countries around the world
  • 104 co-sponsoring societies and organization in each continent
  • 9 Industrial Companies financially sponsoring for a total of 47,000 USD
  • 9 volumes of publications of more than 6,000 pages
[Ed. Florian Kongoli, et al]

Articles about the symposium:
MPEM | Ferrum | JOM | ERZMETALL | Minerals Engineering International | Iron & Steel Technology | SME Mining Engineering

More information can be seen at the [official Web Site]